Company Overview

Hi Dolls! Thank you so much for dropping by to check my very ownPink Diaries by Kaushi product line created for those beautiful girls and ladies out there who have been searching for these kind of girly, cute and a little extra pink goodies in both online and physical shops especially in Sri Lanka.

I am KaushiPeiris, if you know me it’s probably through my YouTube Channel called the ‘Kaushi’s Pink Diaries’ which was created with the intention of inspiring and building confidence in girls and ladies (especially my Sri Lankan dolls living in any part of the world) to live a colourful life whilst upgrading their standards of living and grow up to be a super glam wife doing her duties in a much more colourful way.

This whole exclusive product line was produced to fulfil one of my dreams which I grew up with, which is to tap a new market especially in Sri Lanka where all those girly girls and stylish wives could benefit from. That is to design and create girly apparels such as T-shirts and crop tops (initially) along with Home Décor, Accessories and many more glam pink items to brighten up yourself and add pink to your sweet home.

Our Cute Packaging adds more value to your purchase

Pink Diaries by Kaushi is a concept which has not been found yet in Sri Lanka and we are happy to be the first to add Pink to your life and make you dolled up with our girly range of products created just for you. Once you make a purchase through Pink Diaries you will experience that we add more value to your purchase by sending you the cutest packaging of all time. Wealways take pride in having the absolute best packaging. I know for myself, I love when Ican keep a glam and pretty bag and use it as decor. Everything I make comes extra special in my custom packaging, bowed and ready to go!

Our Doll Community

It is all about my Dolls! I would love to repost your photos and see you with your Pink Diaries purchases. It really means the world to me that you love my designs and have made them apart of your style and uniqueness! So, beauties, keep hash tagging with #pinkdiariesbykaushi on instagram and facebook to be featured on my social media platforms and let’s share all things beauty and glam together. Simply let us add PINK to your Life!